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Tea Time Crossword Clue Answers June 29, 2024

Here is the comprehensive answer guide for the Tea Time Crossword, dated June 29, 2024. Below, you’ll find a list of all the crossword clues, along with direct links to their solutions. Whether you’re stuck on a particular clue or just want to verify your answers, we’re here to help!

How to Use This Guide

Each clue listed below is linked to its detailed answer page. Simply click on a clue to view its answer, along with an in-depth explanation (where applicable).

Across Clues:

1. Petroleum jelly
5. Quick snack
9. Film legend, – – – Welles
10. Straight odds
12. ‘Laughing’ beast
13. Differ
15. Ruud – – -, football manager
18. Merciful
20. – – – Marshall, Death in Paradise star
23. Prize, trophy
24. Cyclist
27. Took the oath
28. Pace
29. Mountain range of SW Europe

Down Clues:

1. Disgusting, obnoxious
2. National anthem, God – – – the Queen
3. Slack, not tight
4. Bahamas capital
6. Creator, original thinker
7. Manorial land
8. Breathe in
11. By way of
14. Practise beforehand
16. In the middle of
17. Johannes – – -, German composer
19. Carly Simon song, – – – Does It Better
21. Diamonds (slang)
22. Cheshire railway junction
25. Rounded roof
26. Friends character

A Few Tips for Solving Crosswords

1. Start with the clues you know: Begin by filling out the definite answers to build momentum.

2. Don’t hesitate to skip: If a clue seems too hard, move to the next one and come back later.

3. Use the crossings: If you have a few letters of a word, it can give hints for the crossing words.

4. Think about wordplay: Remember, crossword clues often involve puns, anagrams, and other wordplays.

5. Practice makes perfect: The more crosswords you solve, the better you’ll become at recognizing patterns and common clues.

Happy solving, and see you in the next crossword adventure!

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