Tea Time Crossword Clue Answers June 26, 2024

Here is the comprehensive answer guide for the Tea Time Crossword, dated June 26, 2024. Below, you’ll find a list of all the crossword clues, along with direct links to their solutions. Whether you’re stuck on a particular clue or just want to verify your answers, we’re here to help!

How to Use This Guide

Each clue listed below is linked to its detailed answer page. Simply click on a clue to view its answer, along with an in-depth explanation (where applicable).

Across Clues:

1. Ladder treads
3. Kenyan capital
6. Thaw out
8. There’s none without fire!
10. Margaret Thatcher’s daughter
11. Lasting forever
14. Scope, room
15. Pale yellow
17. Does wrong
20. Cutlery item
21. Volley of gunfire
22. As a whole
23. Strengthen
24. Children’s film, – – – McPhee

Down Clues:

1. Militant
2. Threatening look
3. Paris cathedral, – – – Dame
4. Publish
5. Perfect
7. Absent-minded
9. Unpleasant
12. Soya bean product
13. Big Apple cops?
16. Convent
17. Wonderwall singers
18. Loop with a running knot
19. Sooty’s sidekick
20. X Factor judge, – – – Cowell

A Few Tips for Solving Crosswords

1. Start with the clues you know: Begin by filling out the definite answers to build momentum.

2. Don’t hesitate to skip: If a clue seems too hard, move to the next one and come back later.

3. Use the crossings: If you have a few letters of a word, it can give hints for the crossing words.

4. Think about wordplay: Remember, crossword clues often involve puns, anagrams, and other wordplays.

5. Practice makes perfect: The more crosswords you solve, the better you’ll become at recognizing patterns and common clues.

Happy solving, and see you in the next crossword adventure!

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